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Produkt zum Begriff Principles:

  • The Principles of Riding
    The Principles of Riding

    The Principles of Riding , The six volumes of The Principles of Riding are the standard reference work and the basis for the classical training of horses, as well as riders, drivers and vaulters. They impart mandatory basic knowledge for all areas of equestrian sport and horse keeping. The first edition of The Principles of Riding, Volume 1 was published more than 50 years ago with 28 editions to date. The present edition "Basic Training for Horse and Rider" has been completely revised regarding language and content, while still taking into account well-established principles. The consideration of traditional principles leads to an education and training of the horse according to its nature and, thus, to its health, well-being and performance capability. The horse's instincts and natural behaviour are presented in detail as the basis of communication and understanding between horse and rider. Modern scientific research relating to training theory and biomechanics has influenced the systematic training of the rider as well as that of the horse. These Principles of Riding provide versatile, practical assistance to horse lovers and readers of this book who want to learn, irrespective of whether they ride for leisure or competitively, are interesting in hacking or hunting, or want to develop and improve their basic training for dressage, show-jumping or eventing. These Principles should be indispensable for all riders, drivers, vaulters, trainers and judges, as well as all of those who are interested in an appropriate training of rider and horse, according to the horse's nature, and who place importance on a harmonious cooperation of horse and rider. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften , Erscheinungsjahr: 20170710, Produktform: Kartoniert, Titel der Reihe: Richtlinien für Reiten und Fahren#1#, Redaktion: Deutsche Reiterliche Vereinigung E. V. (Fn), Seitenzahl/Blattzahl: 288, Abbildungen: über 200 neue Abbildungen und Grafiken, Keyword: Vielseitigkeitsreiten; Springreiten; Grundausbildung Reiter; Dressurreiten; Reitlehre; Ausbildung des Pferdes, Fachschema: Dressur (Pferd) - Dressurreiten~Pferd / Dressur~Reiten / Dressurreiten~Fahren (Pferd)~Pferd / Pony~Pony~Distanzreiten~Pferd / Reiten~Reiten~Reiten / Springreiten~Springreiten~Hippologie~Pferd~Sportpferd, Fachkategorie: Reiten, Springreiten, Thema: Verstehen, Warengruppe: HC/Pferdesport, Fachkategorie: Pferde und Ponys: Sachbuch, Thema: Orientieren, Text Sprache: eng, Originalsprache: ger, UNSPSC: 49019900, Warenverzeichnis für die Außenhandelsstatistik: 49019900, Verlag: FN-Verlag, Warendorf, Verlag: FN-Verlag, Warendorf, Verlag: FN Verlag, Länge: 241, Breite: 169, Höhe: 17, Gewicht: 689, Produktform: Kartoniert, Genre: Sachbuch/Ratgeber, Genre: Sachbuch/Ratgeber, Herkunftsland: DEUTSCHLAND (DE), Katalog: Gesamtkatalog, Katalog: Internationale Lagertitel, Katalog: internationale Titel, Katalog: Lagerartikel, Book on Demand, ausgew. Medienartikel, Relevanz: 0008, Tendenz: -1, Unterkatalog: AK, Unterkatalog: Bücher, Unterkatalog: Hardcover, Unterkatalog: Lagerartikel,

    Preis: 27.62 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • SOA Principles of Service Design
    SOA Principles of Service Design

    The Definitive Guide to Service Engineering The key to succeeding with service-oriented architecture (SOA) is in comprehending the meaning and significance of its most fundamental building block: the service. It is through an understanding of service design that truly “service-oriented” solution logic can be created in support of achieving the strategic goals associated with SOA and service-oriented computing. Bestselling SOA author Thomas Erl guides you through a comprehensive, insightful, and visually rich exploration of the service-orientation design paradigm, revealing exactly how services should and should not be designed for real-world SOA.  

    Preis: 34.23 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • 7 Principles of Conflict Resolution, The
    7 Principles of Conflict Resolution, The

    7 Principles of Conflict Resolution is the go-to resource for conflict and dispute resolution, whether you’re new to the subject or an experienced practitioner.This books sets the out 7 principles to create and maintain successful, workable relationships through effective conflict resolution. It provides you with the tools to resolve or mediate difficult conversations and conflict situations whatever the situation or context and help other people do the same to transform professional and personal relationships permanently. Crucially, it allows you to achieve results without the need to go to court or litigation even when conflict has escalated or is entrenched.The 7 principles to effective conflict resolution will enable you to understand, discuss and resolve problematic situations whether as an individual or organisation:1. Acknowledge the Conflict2. Take Control: building resolution focussed conversations3. Construct a Resolution with the Conflict Resolution Framework4. Enable others’ Success5. Build the Resolution Culture6. Walk the Walk7. Engage the safety net: When informal resolution doesn’t work7 Principles of Conflict Resolution will guide you through the process from beginning to end, with a framework for conversations and tools, techniques and strategies that work. There are also templates, exercises and worksheets that you can use to support conversations.

    Preis: 20.32 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • 100 Principles of Game Design
    100 Principles of Game Design

    Game designers spend their lives solving extraordinary problems and facing mind-bending paradoxes. It’s their job to make a meticulous plan for “spontaneous fun” players will want to experience over and over again. Pressure is heaped on with demands for innovation and blockbuster status. So designers find themselves facing an abyss of problems, pressure, and possibilities, armed only with their brains and an assortment of design principles they picked up over years of experience.For the first time, 100 Principles of Game Design gathers some of the best of these big ideas into one toolkit. Seasoned designers will be glad they don’t have to hold it all in their heads anymore, and beginning design students can use the book to learn the tools of the trade. When the going gets tough, everyone can turn to this book for guidance, inspiration, or just to remind them of what works. Collected from every popular school of thought in game design, these core principles are organized by theme: innovation, creation, balancing, and troubleshooting.• Includes advances from the world’s leading authorities on game design, some explained by the creators themselves• A reference book of finite, individual principles for easy access, providing a jumping off point for further research•  Principles originating in fields as diverse as architecture, psychiatry, and economics, but shown here as they apply to game design• Richly designed with illustrations and photos, making each principle easy to understand and memorable•  Timeless approach includes feedback loops, game mechanics, prototyping, economies of scale, user-centered design, and much moreProfessional designers and instructors at one of the world’s leading game design institutions lay out the building blocks of diverse knowledgerequired to design even the simplest of games.

    Preis: 22.46 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was sind die aktuellen Trends bei Accessoires in der Mode-, Technik- und Lifestyle-Branche?

    In der Modebranche sind derzeit übergroße Sonnenbrillen, auffällige Haarspangen und Statement-Ohrringe im Trend. In der Technikbranche sind kabellose Kopfhörer, Smartwatches und personalisierte Handyhüllen sehr beliebt. In der Lifestyle-Branche sind nachhaltige Trinkflaschen, stylische Fitnessarmbänder und hochwertige Reiseaccessoires im Trend. Generell sind personalisierte und multifunktionale Accessoires in allen Branchen sehr gefragt.

  • Was sind die aktuellen Trends im Bereich Mode und Lifestyle?

    Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltbewusstsein sind wichtige Themen in der Modebranche. Vintage- und Second-Hand-Kleidung sind immer beliebter. Auch minimalistisches Design und Gender-Neutralität sind aktuelle Trends im Bereich Mode und Lifestyle.

  • Was sind die aktuellen Trends im Bereich Mode und Lifestyle?

    Nachhaltige Mode und Upcycling sind weiterhin im Trend. Athleisure Wear bleibt beliebt für den Alltagslook. Vintage- und Retro-Styles sind ebenfalls wieder im Kommen.

  • Was sind die aktuellen Trends in der Mode- und Lifestyle-Branche?

    Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltbewusstsein sind wichtige Themen, wodurch vermehrt nach nachhaltigen Materialien und Produktionsprozessen gesucht wird. Außerdem sind Vintage- und Retro-Styles wieder im Trend, sowie Oversized- und Gender-neutraler Kleidungsstil. Influencer-Marketing und Social Media spielen eine immer größere Rolle bei der Vermarktung von Mode und Lifestyle-Produkten.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Principles:

  • Principles of Auditing
    Principles of Auditing

    This text offers a structured approach to principles of auditing using International Standards on Auditing as its basis.  Written by a team of influential professional auditors with a wealth of teaching experience this book provides a real world perspective on current auditing practices with coverage of cutting edge developments and techniques. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Principles of Marketing
    Principles of Marketing

    Create market value through innovative customer connections and engagement. Principles of Marketing, 8th European Edition, by Kotler et al. covers a wide range of theoretical concepts and practical issues, accurately reflecting the fast-moving pace of marketing in the modern world. Ideal for both undergraduate and postgraduate marketing programmes, this textbook examines traditional aspects of marketing and blends them with modern and future concepts. This European Edition presents fundamental marketing information within an innovative customer-value framework to help you understand how to create value and build customer relationships. Key features for this edition include: A wealth of examples, illustrating how companies use new digital technologies to maximise customer engagement Improved learning design with chapter-opening stories, clear learning outcomes and explanatory author comments on major chapter sections New end-of-chapter case studies and video cases help you apply your learning to actual companies In a fast-changing, increasingly digital and social marketplace, it is more vital than ever for marketers to develop meaningful connections with their customers. This textbook helps you master today's key marketing challenge: to create vibrant, interactive communities of consumers who make products and brands an integral part of their daily lives. 

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Principles of Biochemistry
    Principles of Biochemistry

    Principles of Biochemistry provides a concise introduction to fundamental concepts of biochemistry, striking the right balance of rigor and detail between the encyclopedic volumes and the cursory overview texts available today. Widely praised for accuracy, currency, and clarity of exposition, the 5th Edition offers a new student-friendly design, an enhanced visual program, new Application Boxes, contemporary research integrated throughout, and updated end-of-chapter problems. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Ten Principles Behind Great Customer Experiences, The
    Ten Principles Behind Great Customer Experiences, The

    Learn how to create a competitive advantage for your business by offering a customer experience that’s second to none! By following a simple “ten principles” format, this book will show you how to constantly improve and build your business. The combination of psychological theory, real world case studies, worked examples and template documents provides the ‘what, why and how’ necessary to make good ideas stick and get them into practical usage, so you can enhance your customers’ experiences and keep them returning again and again. Featuring lessons from a host of winning companies such as Facebook, Lush Cosmetics, Gü puddings and John Lewis, the book is littered with uncomplicated ideas which are simple to implement and accessible to anyone. 

    Preis: 19.25 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was sind die aktuellen Trends in der Mode- und Lifestyle-Branche?

    Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltbewusstsein sind wichtige Themen, wodurch vermehrt nach ökologischen und fair produzierten Kleidungsstücken gesucht wird. Zudem sind Oversized-Silhouetten, Pastellfarben und Retro-Styles im Trend. In der Lifestyle-Branche gewinnen Gesundheit, Wellness und Selbstfürsorge an Bedeutung, was sich in einem verstärkten Interesse an Fitness, gesunder Ernährung und mentaler Gesundheit widerspiegelt.

  • Was sind die neuesten Trends in der Mode- und Lifestyle-Branche?

    Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltbewusstsein sind weiterhin wichtige Themen. Außerdem sind Oversized-Silhouetten und Retro-Styles im Trend. Influencer-Kollaborationen und Second-Hand-Shopping gewinnen an Bedeutung.

  • Welche Trends und Entwicklungen prägen aktuell die Mode- und Lifestyle-Branche?

    Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltbewusstsein sind wichtige Trends in der Mode- und Lifestyle-Branche. Die Digitalisierung spielt eine immer größere Rolle, sowohl im Vertrieb als auch in der Kommunikation mit Kunden. Individualität und Personalisierung werden immer wichtiger, um sich von der Masse abzuheben.

  • Was sind aktuell die bedeutendsten Trends in der Mode- und Lifestyle-Branche?

    Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltbewusstsein sind wichtige Themen, sowohl in der Produktion als auch im Konsumverhalten. Der Trend zu bequemer und funktionaler Kleidung setzt sich fort, besonders durch die anhaltende Beliebtheit von Athleisure. Außerdem gewinnen Gender-Neutralität und Vielfalt in der Modebranche zunehmend an Bedeutung.

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